A dream you dream alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream together with the right property agent is reality. Let the first stage be for the wish list with buying criteria, locations, options for that house in Spain. And let the second stage, more vivid and emotional, be for an actionable plan, for finding the actual opportunities and the final value judgement on the property. The right estate agent is like a property whisperer.
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your dream home in Spain
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will and the expert estate agent, they soon become inevitable. And only the most determined buyer’s agent bend these dreams to the deal of a lifetime!
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Know-how and commitment are like diligence and intelligence. Whoever lacks one never excels; whoever owns both gets there. At Prime Buyers Agency Spain we do everything we can to be the perfect real estate partner for houses and apartments throughout Spain and the Balearic Islands. To be able to dream in the most pragmatic way.
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About PBA Spain

Our service must be able to ‘deal with everyone’. A subtle difference with ‘our services are suitable for everyone’. The first is a humble view, the second a haughty one. The first concerns thinking along and then still being able to realize that unique house, the second is ‘turnover’.

Those who are not careful enough miss the subtleties, the catches and the opportunities. As a buying agent we are the most dedicated extension you could wish for when buying a home in Spain. And in any case the perfect professionals to guide you through the complex Spanish buyer’s journey.

We know what our strength is. We prefer to do things thoroughly and carefully, according to the highest ethical standards. The wishes of our customers form our guiding principle, their dreams are our horizon too.

One with a forward-looking view: our extensive market knowledge, our unparalleled list of connections and contacts in this line, for example for the best off-market houses, distinguishes us from other estate agents.

Elles Hooft van Huysduynen

Our Services

Having said this, we conclude: We are a highly committed real estate agency, nothing that cannot be arranged, organized and realized in the field of real estate investment, property development, buying advice and purchase guidance and relocation services. From-to:

Our workfield



Barcelona, a bustling city on the Mediterranean Sea, is the second largest city in Spain. "Its prime location, warm hospitality, stunning architecture, and rich gastronomic offerings attract people from all over the world."

Costa Brava

Costa Brava

Stretching from just above the city of Barcelona to the French border, the Costa Brava is a picturesque coastal area. Characterized by charming towns and villages, rugged rocky coasts, towering mountain peaks, and beautiful beaches, bays, and coves, it offers a diverse landscape. As a significant part of the Spanish region of Catalonia, the Costa Brava is a key area of interest.



The Balearic Islands, known in Spanish as Islas Baleares or Illes Balears, form an archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea, located to the east of the Spanish mainland." This archipelago is one of the autonomous regions of Spain, comprising several islands. The most well-known among these are Ibiza and Mallorca.

Costa Blanca

Costa Blanca

Barcelona is a vibrant city on the Mediterranean and Spain's third-largest city. It attracts many people from all over the world thanks to its location, hospitality, beautiful architecture and gastronomic offerings.

Costa Brava

Costa Brava

The Costa Brava is the coastal region that runs all the way from just above the city of Barcelona to the French border. It is characterised by cute towns and villages, rugged rocky coasts, mountain peaks and beautiful beaches, coves and inlets. The Costa Brava forms a large part of the Spanish region of Catalonia.

Balearic Islands

Balearic Islands

The Balearic Islands - also called Islas Baleares or Illes Balears by the Spanish themselves - is an archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea, east of the mainland. One of Spain's autonomous regions, it consists of six islands. The two best known of these; Ibiza and Mallorca.

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What our clients say

Mail Hierzo59
Mail Hierzo59
Zonder Elles was het niet mogelijk geweest om onze droom te verwezenlijken! Ze is van onschatbare waarde gebleken. Wij raden haar zeker aan is efficiënt, betrouwbaar, eerlijk en komt haar afspraken na! Willy en Dirk van de Vorle
Evey Budden
Evey Budden
highly recommended! Having Elles by our side has prevented us from expensive mistakes - and with her help were able to buy our dream home.
Robert F
Robert F
we are very pleased with Elles. she takes the time for her customers and knows what she is talking about. I definitely recommend her
Peter Van der Eijk
Peter Van der Eijk
Elles heeft de aankoop van onze finca heel goed voorbereid en begeleid. Zij is erg betrokken, deskundig en altijd bereikbaar voor vragen. Het is prettig met haar samen te werken.
Elles is een vakvrouw die weet wat ze aan het doen is. Wij zijn met haar op pad geweest en voor alsnog zat ons huis wat we zoeken er nog niet bij. Maar ik ben hoopvol gestemd mede door de goede kennis van de markt die Elles heeft.
gerard vermeer
gerard vermeer
Met Elles is het een feestje om huizen te gaan kijken in Spanje, wat een energie en doorzettingsvermogen om te vinden wat ik leuk vind en past, na vele huizen te hebben bekeken hebben we een prachtig appartement in Torrevieja gekocht waar Elles alles van A tot Z geregeld heeft ook de nazorg was en is perfect, ik zal je zeker bij andere mensen aanbevelen en bij een eventueel ander huis voor mezelf vraag ik zonder meer Elles om alles te regelen. Hartelijk dank voor alles Elles Groet Gerard
Emma Degenkamp
Emma Degenkamp
My fiancée and I came to Barcelona in hopes of buying a place of our own. We searched for a personal shopper online to help us with the process when we found Elles. We met with Elles over coffee to talk about our plans and from day 1 we knew we wanted to work with her! Her "no sugar coating" approach to dealing with sellers and making sure things get done should be is what sold us. For the next year, Elles was way more than a personal shopper in that she helped us along every step of the way for moving from a foreign country to Barcelona. Her and her assistant Basil organized countless home visits for us, and even though our process took longer than most clients they were helpful and patient until we found a place we loved. I can't exagurate how useful she was to have because of her experience in real estate, the Spanish market, the Spanish culture of buying and selling, of course speaking the language when we couldn't, and looking out for our best interests as her clients. Elles was incredibly helpful and on top of everything throughout the whole process, including setting up appointments for us to get our NIE numbers, her and Basil accompanying on home visits to recognize any issues, helping us with obtaining a mortgage, communicating with banks, helping to navigate the legal system and arranging appointments with the notary etc. They are still currentlu helping us to ensure our gas, electricity, etc is all set up correctly even weeks after we've moved in to our new home. Elles and Basil's services are extremely valuable for anyone looking to buy property in Spain. They were always a quick message away, they truly care about their clients and treat them like family. They alleviated so much of our stress of moving to a new country by handling so much of the work for us, theres definitely no way we could have done this process without them. Thank you so much Elles & Basil!
Nadia Stomp
Nadia Stomp
Elles was a great help in the journey towards buying our first place in Spain. She did a great job in deciphering the process for us, made sure we understood each step of the way, translating legal documents and providing mental support along the way. She was always available for a call, and very responsive. Making a big decision like this felt way more comfortable with Elles on our side. She has lots of experience, and she is also a wonderful person.
Francis Ali
Francis Ali
Top ervaring! Ik zou Elles aan iedereen aanraden!
Peter van der Wal
Peter van der Wal
Barcelona, daar wilden we kopen. Voor ons was het best lastig een aankoop makelaar te vinden die werkzaam is in deze stad. We hebben Elles ontmoet via de beurs in Nederland. Vanaf moment 1 was er een klik. Elles heeft ons geholpen bij het helder krijgen wat we nu precies zochten. Zodoende zijn we samen op zoek gegaan naar woningen. Tijdens COVID was het tijdelijk lastig om fysiek mee te gaan naar de bezichtigingen maar met videobellen kwamen we een heel eind. Elles kan goed uitleggen waarom je iets wel of niet moet doen en dat maakt haar mede ervaren en deskundig! De nazorg was erg goed. Verder vinden we Elles een heel fijn mens. Van stijf gedoe houden we niet. Elles is iemand met humor, iets wat je wel kan gebruiken in een spannende tijd zoals een huis kopen!